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Winter fun in China

Winter rituals of Manchurian shamanism

Winter rituals belong to Manchurian shamanism, they were widespread in the vast territory of northeast China. The main essence was expressed in two aspects - the worship of snow and snow fun. Among the snow fun are the snow labyrinth, snowballs and snow fortresses, ice jumps and board rides, snowmen and ice sculptures, etc.

Winter rituals of shamanism are a thing of the past, but snow fun is still alive and well.

Gliding on ice

Among the Manchu women of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), a pastime known as "walking on white ice" was popular.

Every year on the night of the 16th day of the first month according to the lunar calendar, women with lanterns in their hands went out onto the ice. They glided across the ice, singing, "I'm rolling on the ice, chasing back pain, rolling on the ice - no pain in my leg." This game is also commonly known as "getting rid of bad luck" as well as "casting out a hundred diseases" (in Chinese, "one hundred diseases" is pronounced the same as "walking on white ice"). It is believed that this fun attracts health and good luck.

Snow heel race

Snow heel race is a traditional sport among the Manchus. The race is held for short distances: 100, 200 and 400 meters. Athletes dress in a traditional Manchu costume and shoes with high 10-centimeter heels. During the race, the legs should not come off the ground, the one who comes to the finish line first wins. It is believed that this fun is based on the ancient custom of "walking in the snow" of the Manchu women in the first month of the lunar calendar.

Race with a block of ice

This is a traditional game that is popular in Yongji County in Shanxi Province. Men are involved.

In the first month of the year, they shoulder a block of ice and, accompanied by gongs and drums, run through the streets in their shorts. The ice block race is rooted in the winter customs of temple fairs.

Winter fun in China