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Halo Infinite developers continue to ignore complaints about cheaters

The problem of cheaters in Halo Infinite continues to gain momentum. So on the forums of reddit and the game itself, players are asked to turn off at least cross-platform.

In general, the problem of hacks and cheaters is the eternal problem of almost all online games. But in the case of cross-platform, console users suffer the most. And this is understandable, you can’t put cheats on the console (in most cases). Naturally, there are a small number of those who can run Doom Eternal or some new title on a teapot, but for the most part, console players will not do such things. Some people even launched Quake 1 on the iPod. Yes, and the times of mass sale of the so-called "chip" set-top boxes are over.

But back to Halo Infinite, the one thing users are most upset about is the lack of disabling co-op or so-called cross-play between console and PC players. Users of the console versions call this nothing more than "the imposition of a cross-play game."

And most importantly, this contradicts the words of Phil Spencer, who back in 2016 in an interview with Gamespot said:

"In our games, I will never force someone who plays with a controller or a mouse and keyboard to play against someone with a different control scheme."

But, as is already clear, in the latest part of Halo, you cannot disable the ability to play together for users of the console versions and PC. And maybe console players would have put up with crossplay if it wasn't for cheaters. And since the company does not have the ability to quickly ban all cheaters, and in some cases, no one is doing it (hello, Titanfall), the ability to disable the cross-platform is quite a working scheme for console players.

Moreover, in similar games, such as Call of Duty or Battlefield 2042, this possibility is present. And no matter how huge problems the latter may have, this feature was added in one of the first patches of the game, although now the game has a peak activity of about 12 thousand people.

When asked if Xbox users can still turn off the ability to play with PC gamers, 343 Industries did not give a clear answer. But they promised to solve the problem of scammers, cheaters and some other things in the February update.

At the same time, the problem of fraud and cheats was voiced back in the beta version of the Halo Infinite multiplayer. But, apparently, the finalization of the main game was a priority, and patches to combat cheating were postponed until better times.

Halo Infinite developers continue to ignore complaints about cheaters