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A Russian company has developed and patented a device for monitoring complications during pregnancy

Yusontek, a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation, has developed and registered with Roszdravnadzor a new version of a portable fetal monitor under the Ilithia trademark. The mass use of the device in healthcare will reduce the level of perinatal mortality in the country. Below are details about the device and its use.

What is this device?

The device for operational diagnostics "Ilithia" can control both singleton and twinton pregnancies, measuring heart rate, physical activity and other important parameters. The monitor analyzes the results and remotely transmits them to the doctor, thus allowing you to track the condition of a pregnant woman anywhere 24/7. In case of complications and unwanted symptoms, the device helps the doctor to take prompt action to maintain the pregnancy.

The new model of the monitor with a touch screen allows the presentation of monitoring parameters (cardiotocograms) in both digital and graphical form. The device is also equipped with a built-in 3G modem for data transfer via mobile communications, without using a smartphone as a communicator.

Vladimir Egorov, Operations Director of the Biomedical Technology Cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation: “Given the frequency of cardiotocography procedures in pathological conditions and the epidemiological situation, the possibility of examination in any convenient place can greatly facilitate the life of many pregnant women. The device, developed and registered by Yusontek, will not only allow fetal monitoring at home, providing greater comfort and a sense of security to expectant mothers, but will also help doctors not to waste precious time when detecting pregnancy pathology.”

Has the device already been clinically tested?

Yes, tests of the Ilithiya device were carried out at the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after academician V.I. Kulakov. As noted by the head of the department for the organization of perinatal care, Ph.D. Yuri Naberezhnev, who supervised the testing, found that the use of the device proved to be optimal for monitoring the intrauterine state of the fetus in high-risk groups outside of medical institutions. The monitor also helps optimize the social distancing package by providing expert-level diagnostics.

Pavel Nagulin, CEO of Yusontek: “We are pleased that Ilithia has received registration from Rospotrebnadzor. This means that now our development will be able to help as many pregnant women as possible. At the Science Center V. I. Kulakov, the need for remote monitoring of the state of the fetus was in demand among a large number of patients, but the devices were in limited quantity. Now, after successful testing, we, together with the Moscow Center for Innovative Technologies and the Moscow Department of Health, are discussing the issue of providing medical institutions with devices to meet the needs of the healthcare of the capital.”

As for the company itself, Yusontek was founded in 2011. The main idea is to create a series of fundamentally new portable medical devices for remote diagnostics by integrating the accumulated experience in the development of traditional diagnostic devices with modern telecommunication technologies.

A Russian company has developed and patented a device for monitoring complications during pregnancy