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GTA VI officially confirmed

Rockstar has finally officially confirmed a new part of the Grand Theft Auto game series.

We haven't been told the names, but given all the previous games, it's likely that the game will be called GTA VI or GTA 6.

Given GTA V's unprecedented longevity, it's no wonder so many of you have been asking us about a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series. For every new project we embark on, the goal is always to go far beyond what we've done before, and we're happy to confirm that active development for the next installment in the Grand Theft Auto series is well under way. We look forward to sharing more once we're ready, so please stay tuned to Rockstar Newswire for official details.

Thus, while we can state two facts. Firstly, the development of the new GTA is really underway, although hardly anyone doubted it, and secondly, the process is in the active phase, that is, it has been going on for a long time. However, we still do not know the release date even approximately. Most of the rumors revolve around 2024-2025.

GTA VI officially confirmed