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Science & Technology News

Meetup Stockholm syndrome or the life of a team leader: offline + broadcast

On February 17, we will meet in Kazan to discuss team leads. Let's talk about the fact that this position is a desirable place for many developers on the path of their professional development, but is the work of a team leader so rosy? Most of the tasks are hidden from other team members, so the opinion about team leads and their role can be distorted. And when the developers take the coveted position, they realize that this is not at all what they expected. And from solving everyday problems, a nervous tic and paranoia develop. So what kind of job is it - stepping up the career ladder or striving for Stockholm syndrome?

Speaker: Zakhar Ovcharov (Respona front-end team-lead, Toptal senior front-end developer)

The meeting will be held at the IT Park in the format of a round table, where everyone can express their opinion and ask questions to the speaker. You can also write your questions in the comments under this text - we will analyze the most interesting ones at the mitap;)

February 17, 19.30 - 21.00

IT Park, Petersburg, 52

Entrance is free by registration

The link to the online broadcast will be published on the day of the meetup in the conference chat

By the way, at the end of January we held a meetup in Kazan called “Is it really possible to take into account the opinion of developers”. The report from the meeting can be read here

Meetup Stockholm syndrome or the life of a team leader: offline + broadcast