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Global EV sales more than double in 2021

After studying the situation in the global electric vehicle market, experts from the analytical company Canalys concluded that 6.5 million electric vehicles were sold worldwide in 2021, which is 109% more than in 2020. Analysts took into account fully battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles. It is noteworthy that the entire global automotive market in 2021 grew by only 4%. Electric vehicle sales accounted for 9% of all passenger car sales in 2021.

According to experts, demand remained strong, and many more electric vehicles could have been sold, but a chronic shortage of components prevented it.

Mainland European countries accounted for 85% of all electric vehicle sales worldwide. In China, 3.2 million units were sold, representing 15% of all new cars sold in that country during the year. In Europe, 2.3 million electric vehicles were sold, accounting for 19% of new car sales.

By comparison, in the US, electric vehicles accounted for just 4% of new vehicles sold in 2021. During the year, about 535,000 electric vehicles were sold here.

Half of all electric vehicles sold globally have been sold to customers in mainland China, and the Wuling Hongguang Mini EV remains the best-selling model here. At the same time, Tesla leads the global electric vehicle market with a 14% share. The Volkswagen Group is in second place with a market share of 12%. The market distribution is shown in more detail in the illustration.

Global EV sales more than double in 2021