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Science & Technology News

Today is the beginning of the new course Deploy applications in Kubernetes

The course consists of 7 lectures every week (except for holidays, of course), tasks with auto-check, as well as online analysis of remote sensing and mentoring support.

What else will be on the course:

Trainer with personal cluster and IDE on the platform

So that you can do your homework on the course as conveniently and quickly as possible, we have prepared a special simulator. Each student will be assigned a personal Kubernetes cluster. Everything that is needed will already be installed on it. All that remains is to write the necessary configs to solve the problem! And it will be possible to write in VS Code, which we have integrated directly into our platform. You can watch the demo on our YouTube.

Course materials

We have prepared a lot of additional materials for the beginning of the course. See if you missed something:

- Lead teacher of the course Igor Latkin talks about the basics of working with Kubernetes using the example of the task of deploying an application in Python: video and article

- Our DevOps engineer Leonid Gvozdkov explains why Kubernetes has become the standard in container orchestration and compares it to other orchestrators: Docker Swarm, Nomad and Openshift: video and article.

Other articles on the topic

Keeping Kubernetes clusters clean and tidy

Launching HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller outside the Kubernetes cluster

Course webinar Course author Igor Latkin talks about the program and answers questions:

→ If you wanted to take the course, but are still thinking, or you just did not have time to register, today you can still join the link: "Deploy applications in Kubernetes"

Today is the beginning of the new course Deploy applications in Kubernetes