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Nvidia's CMP HX Mining Idea Failed

Nvidia introduced the CMP HX mining graphics cards last year and at the time it seemed that they could really save the day and somehow eliminate (at least partially) the shortage that had developed in the market. However, in reality, everything is not so rosy: the shortage of video cards on the market has remained the same, but interest in CMP HX has fallen. In the last quarter of fiscal year 2022, CMP HX sales in value terms have more than quadrupled.

If in the third quarter of fiscal year 2022, Nvidia's revenue from the sale of mining video cards amounted to $105 million, then in the fourth quarter it was only $24 million! During the year, the company sold $544 million of these 3D accelerators, and the second quarter was the best, during which CMP HX was sold for $260 million.

Why CMP HX turned out to be so unclaimed now is not difficult to understand: the rate of cryptocurrencies has noticeably decreased - the profits of the miners are no longer the same. Entering a business against the backdrop of the current Ethereum quotes and the transition from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake consensus looming on the horizon is risky. In addition, CMP HX turned out to be specific devices - with a small warranty and no video outputs. In which case it will be at least difficult to resell such video cards.

Nvidia's CMP HX Mining Idea Failed