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Some YouTube videos may prevent distribution outside of the platform

YouTube is considering removing some videos from distribution outside of the platform.

We are talking about the so-called "borderline" videos. By this term, YouTube means content that does not directly violate the rules of the platform, but is still sufficiently controversial videos that the platform does not want to recommend to users.

We've overhauled our recommendation systems to bring consumption of edge content that comes from our recommendations well below 1%. But, even if we don't recommend a particular edge video, it can still get views on other websites that link to or embed the YouTube video.

One possible workaround for this issue is to disable the share button or break the video link, which we already limit in recommendations. Effectively, this means that you cannot embed or link to an edge video on another site.

Another approach could be to display an ad that appears before the viewer can view the embedded or linked video. This will let users know that the content may contain misinformation. Such interstitials are like a speed bump: the extra step causes the viewer to pause before they watch or share the content. In fact, we already use interstitials for age-restricted content, as well as violent or graphic videos, and we consider them an important tool for allowing viewers to choose what they are going to watch.

At the same time, YouTube understands that such restrictions can go far and limit the freedom of the viewer. The company believes it must be careful to balance limiting the spread of potentially harmful misinformation while leaving room for discussion and education on sensitive and controversial topics.

Some YouTube videos may prevent distribution outside of the platform