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China compiled a list of 100 topics that cannot be filmed for posting on the Internet

The China Network Broadcasting Services Association has published a list of 100 topics that Chinese users may not be able to shoot and post online. The topics cover almost all components of the social life of citizens.

Predictably, the bans are imposed on videos that ridicule the country's government, the goals of the party and materials with reflections that the story in Chinese textbooks is not being accurate. Also banned was content damaging the country's image - insulting the flag, coat of arms and anthem.

Videos and materials that reveal state secrets cannot be published on the Web. This included documents related to the defense industry, science and medicine. Also, you can not post publicly information about the personal life of the leaders of the country and their family members.

Videos that ridicule and insult ethnic culture - national dress, language, religion and customs - were banned. In addition, you must not publish materials that exacerbate social conflicts and undermine public safety.

The association has banned content that "violates national religious policy." This concept included religious extremism, incorrect comparison of various religious movements, excessive demonstration and propaganda of religious doctrines, and confusion of religious extremism with national religious policy.

Videos and films about local and foreign terrorist organizations cannot be distributed. Videos with acts of self-immolation, looting and destruction of monuments cannot be published on the Web. An exception is made for the media.

You cannot publish videos on the work of law enforcement agencies using force on the Internet. In addition, you cannot post videos in which people in military uniforms and in the uniform of law enforcement agencies participate in rallies, fights, protests and marches. You cannot use your official form to falsify such materials.

The China Webcasting Association has also banned the dissemination of superstitions contrary to science and the use of national folklore to justify and popularize superstitious teachings. Also on the Web you can not publish videos promoting "decadent outlook on life" - boasting of wealth and money, waste, drug use, propaganda of corruption and crime, popularization of suicide and promotion of extramarital sexual relations. In addition, the regulator described an entire section on content that "promotes unhealthy views of marriage and love." The section included bans on the publication of materials demonstrating prostitution, rape, genitalia and "unhealthy sexual behavior".

Cryptocurrencies, slot machines and gambling were also banned - videos advertising such services, as well as materials about cryptocurrency mining, trade and speculation on its value, cannot be published on the Web.

There is no information yet on how the country's citizens perceived the restrictions on content posting. The regulator itself stated that these rules will help to minimize the spread of false and malicious information on the Web and contribute to the creation of a clean cyberspace. The Register also reported that the Chinese government will apply penalties not only to specific citizens who publish such content, but also to video hosting sites that do not remove it. Such services include Tencent, Douyin and Weibo.

China compiled a list of 100 topics that cannot be filmed for posting on the Internet