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Twitter is testing an updated image annotation feature

The Twitter team announced the start of testing annotations for images. Now the ALT button will appear in the lower left corner of the pictures. If the user clicks on it, they will see the text description left by the author.

Now the function is available only to 3% of users on all current platforms. The team plans to collect feedback on the operation of the regime within a month and will open it to everyone by April.

The press release notes that the feature will be useful for visually impaired users and those in areas with poor connectivity. It will be possible not to wait for the image to load, but to immediately turn to the annotation. The team stressed that a similar mode was before, just not demonstrated explicitly. The alternate description was used primarily for narrator programs. Now the icon directly says that the image has an annotation.

In addition, the social network plans to start notifying users about the new mode. So, during the preparation of the post, the system will prompt the user to leave an alternative text. The team hopes that over time, users will begin to use the feature more often.

This week, Twitter representatives announced that they launched their web application on the Tor network. The company separately emphasized that such a step would make the service more accessible.

Twitter is testing an updated image annotation feature