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How to choose a home blood glucose meter

When choosing a home blood glucose meter, you need to take into account many nuances, including the type of diabetes mellitus, the age of the user and other features, the doctors said. found out what to look for when buying a medical gadget.

Types of blood glucose meters

Blood glucose meters, or devices for measuring blood glucose levels, are invasive and non-invasive. The former require blood for analysis, while the latter simply need to be applied to the skin.

“For a child, and for young working people, the most popular model is bloodless glucometers without skin puncture. With a sensor that is attached to the skin and worn for about two weeks, as well as a remote control that needs to be brought to the sensor to read the glucose level, ”said Elina Sharifullina, chief researcher at the Ornament preventive medicine application.

However, it is also important to consider that such models are less accurate.

“Non-invasive blood glucose meters measure glucose using a laser, which is inaccurate. Therefore, I do not recommend considering such models, "says Alevtina Fedina, therapist and medical director of the Checkme health management service.

Invasive devices, in turn, differ in how they work. In total, there are three types: photometric, electrochemical and coulometric.


These meters read the discoloration of the test strip on which the patient's blood is applied. The strips are coated with a reagent containing glucose oxidase. The substance stains on contact with glucose. The color of the strip depends on the sugar level.

Photometric glucometers have two disadvantages: a fragile optical system and a short lifespan. In addition, if the lens of the device becomes cloudy, the result will be distorted.

The cost of such a glucometer ranges from 1 to 3 thousand rubles.


The test strips of the device are also coated with a special compound that releases an electric current when in contact with blood. Its strength depends on the level of sugar.

These meters are more durable, more durable and more accurate. What's more, less blood is needed to measure sugar levels than when used in photometric devices.

“Electrochemical glucometers give high accuracy of analysis. In them, test strips, on which blood is applied, are lubricated with a reagent, and an electric current is released when they come into contact with blood. Its strength just depends on the level of sugar. Practice shows that the most reliable and accurate are electrochemical glucometers. ", - said therapist Fedina.

Electrochemical glucometers cost from 1 to 6.5 thousand rubles.


The principle of determining the glucose concentration in these devices is similar to the amperometric one, only it is not the current strength that is evaluated, but the electric charge. The volume of blood required to obtain results is minimal compared to the rest.

The puncture depth depends on the required blood volume. The less it is needed, the more painless the procedure.

The price for coulometric models ranges from 600 rubles to 2 thousand rubles.

Patients with type 1 diabetes need to measure their glucose more often, so it is more profitable for them to get an amperometric device with cheaper test strips.

Coulometric glucometers are recommended for the management of type 2 diabetes.

“A home blood glucose meter is important and needed for patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus, as well as for those with high insulin resistance. In type 1 diabetes, patients use insulin to be administered subcutaneously. And they need frequent blood glucose tests. Ideally, 4-5 times a day. With type 2 diabetes, you can use a glucometer less often, ”Sharifullina explained.

Additional functions

More expensive models can independently separate measurements taken before and after meals. This is handy for those who forget to fill out self-control diaries.

“It is important to buy a meter with a large screen, then the result will be seen better.

This is especially necessary when it comes to an elderly patient. Many of them are visually impaired and therefore need a backlit meter with a large display. The backlight helps you understand the current blood sugar level.

For example, yellow is high, green is normal, and red is low. It is very important that the meter has a memory. Then the device will store data on measurements, and the doctor will be able to trace the dynamics, ”said Anas Alfaraj, a member of the American and European Diabetes Associations, endocrinologist of the European Medical Center.

In addition, some meters may have a voice assistant. There are also models with a lancing device.

“The meter must be registered and certified in your country. For the blind and visually impaired, a voice-controlled blood glucose meter is good, ”says Elina Sharifullina.There are also glucometers with support for communication options with a computer or smartphone, or with a timer. Some sugar meters also measure cholesterol levels. Such glucometers cost around 2-3 thousand rubles, but you can find models for 1.5 thousand.

Each manufacturer produces individual test strips for their devices. There are no universal ones. In addition, test strips may differ from model to model of the same brand.

Typically, blood sugar is taken from a fingertip for analysis. However, there are glucometers that make it possible to draw blood from the shoulder, forearm, lower leg and thigh.

Piercing them is not as painful as a finger, which has many nerve endings. However, blood circulation in these parts of the body is slower, so the measurement results will not be presented as quickly.

How to choose a home blood glucose meter