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Elon Musk brought down Tesla shares, and now he faces legal proceedings

Recently, Elon Musk has sold a lot of Tesla shares. Of course, given the volume of sales, this could not but affect the price of securities, which fell.

If we talk about a decline in quotations after the start of Musk's sales of shares, then we are talking about about 12%. However, the shares dropped significantly shortly after the head of the company announced his intention to sell them. If we count together with this drop, then it turns out that Tesla shares fell in price by a quarter, which is a lot.

And now, because of such actions, one of the Tesla shareholders has filed a lawsuit. At the moment, the plai.jpg only requires disclosure of information from internal documents in order to find out whether Musk's statements on the sale of shares were pre-checked or pre-approved by Tesla, or whether the billionaire again violated some rules.

Elon Musk brought down Tesla shares, and now he faces legal proceedings