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Service VK Work is closed

VK (former Group) has announced its decision - soon the VK Job service will be closed.

The press service reports:

The VK Work service will cease to exist in the near future, all obligations to customers and partners will be fulfilled.”

Users began to receive letters warning about the end of the service before the end of May. VK also explained that the team of the VK Job project will be disbanded, the specialists will be transferred to other projects - to the social network VKontakte, VK Calls and VK Video.

Alla Arshevskaya, managing director of the VK Job service, said:

Over the past year and a half, our team has been integrating the service into a social network and during this time has gained vast experience in the development and integration of digital products, which will allow it to quickly get involved in new projects. Now we will direct the efforts and experience of the team into the technological directions fundamental for VK.”

Service VK Work is closed