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Southbridge invites you to talk aboutsourcers prefer to keep silent about

Any outsourcer causes the customer 50% joy and 50% fear. The joy is that an experienced performer for a fixed amount will quickly and efficiently do what you need. Fear that a crooked scumbag for millions of money and after many months will show you not at all what you wanted.

What is good about outsourcing can be seen on any landing page. And we want to talk about something that is not customary to talk about.

Where do prices come from and why customers are ready (not ready) to pay our profits in addition to the working hours of the performers.

How an outsourcer can ruin the life of the customer (and the customer - to the outsourcer).

What our processes look like from the inside.

How do we resolve conflicts with clients?

We consider it important to talk about prices, risks and conflicts, because strong relationships are obtained when you are ready to accept the dark side of a partner.

For starters, there will be a round table about how the requirements for the quality of services expressed in the SLA have changed (or have not changed) over the past six months.


Southbridge invites you to talk aboutsourcers prefer to keep silent about