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Former CD Projekt Red Cinematic Specialists Found New Studio, Announce First Game

While some ex-CD Projekt Red employees have founded their own Rebel Wolves studio and are working on an AAA-class open-world dark fantasy RPG, another group of ex-CD Projekt RED cinematics specialists (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Cyberpunk 2077) also founded a studio in Warsaw called Dark Passenger.

Dark Passenger creates an online co-op first-person action game with PvP and PvE elements. The events of this game will take place in feudal Japan, and even at a not the best time for the country - when the current shogun was overthrown, and the usurpers expanded their army, including at the expense of their own opponents.

The player will be able to play as shinobi and kunoichi warriors. They will be sent to the captured state by their masters to search for artifacts. During his assignment, he will meet with supporters of the usurper and with direct competitors. As the developers assure, users will receive all the elements of Asian films: it will be possible to jump on city roofs and arrows sticking out of the walls, hide under the floor of wooden huts, climb pagodas and sneak through temples and altars.

In addition, former employees of CD Projekt Red say that the online game will have unlimited movement options, dynamic weather changes, an advanced character and weapon customization system, and procedural generation. Moreover, like their colleagues from the Rebel Wolves studio and the aforementioned CD Projekt RED, everyone makes the game on the same engine on Unreal Engine 5. The debut game from Dark Passenger is at the initial stage of development. However, the platforms on which it should be released have already been announced: PC (Steam, Epic Games Store), PS5, Xbox Series X and S.

Former CD Projekt Red Cinematic Specialists Found New Studio, Announce First Game