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Scientists create new types of smart devices

Researchers from the University of North Carolina and the US Army Research Bureau have developed a way to integrate new functional materials in computer chips, which will create new smart devices with various features.

Functional materials> are oxides, including several types of substances that have not yet managed to combine silicon chips. These include materials with ferromagnetic properties (the appearance of spontaneous magnetization), as well as topological insulators, inside a dielectric, but conductive electrical current on its surface. Scientists believe that such materials there are many applications, for example, in sensors or non-volatile memory of the computer.

These new oxides are usually grown on materials that are incompatible with computing devices - says Jay Narayan, Professor Materials Science State University North University Carolina and co-author of a new study. - Now we can integrate such materials in a silicon chip, adding their electronic devices with functions. "

The approach described by the researchers allows them to integrate materials into two separate platforms based on titanium and zirconium dioxide nitride . Both platforms are compatible with silicon.

In addition, scientists have developed a set of subtle films that serve as a buffer connecting the silicon chip with a certain material. The exact combination of thin films varies depending on the substance used.

Scientists create new types of smart devices