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Zhurova spoke about Japanese support for Shcherbakova after criticism from Plushenko

Russian State Duma Deputy Svetlana Zhurova spoke about the support of the Japanese fans for Anna Shcherbakova after criticism from Evgeni Plushenko.

Recall that Plushenko offered to arrange a test run with the participation of Shcherbakova and Elizaveta Tuktamysheva after Shcherbakova got into the Russian national team at the European Championship.

“The Japanese in this situation look like a neutral side. They, most likely, simply stand for the sports principle - whoever took the passing place in the selection went to the Olympics. This is not a conflict between Plushenko and Shcherbakova.

There should not be any control rentals, the federation did the right thing that did not suit them. It's another matter if someone got sick or another force majeure situation happened, then it would still be possible to arrange a roll.

In America, this is unacceptable in principle. If such a rental was arranged there, then Shcherbakova, if she were an American, could calmly sue the federation.

I don't think that anyone other than the federation should take part in the formation of the national team for the Olympics. We must pay tribute to her - she went clearly in accordance with the sports principle: there is a qualifying tournament, there is a protocol, there are results. In our situation, it could not be otherwise, because in women's single skating we have tough competition. If coaching advice, intrigues began, it would be much harder to comply with the sports principle, ”said Zhurova.

Zhurova also noted that she wanted Tuktamysheva to get to the Olympics.

“I really supported Liza Tuktamysheva and wanted her to get to the Games, she is my countrywoman, and I was very worried about her, but I think that she herself understands that there is a sports principle.

I am very sorry that Tuktamysheva could not qualify for the Games. I would like to see her there, but I think she understands that every athlete at some stage of her career is faced with a similar situation, ”she added.

Earlier, the Russian Figure Skating Federation (FFKKR) reacted to Plushenko's offer to rent for a ticket to the Games.

Zhurova spoke about Japanese support for Shcherbakova after criticism from Plushenko