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Human activity can improve the environment

Canadian scientists argue that human activity can have a positive effect on the environment. According to a new study by Waterloo University staff, 13,000 years of permanent settlement of coastal areas of British Columbia, people had a positive impact on the Forest growing in this region.

Analysis of environmental and archaeological data from coastal sites where settlers lived Throughout the Millennium, showed that trees growing on former habitats, higher, wider and healthier than their neighbors from nearby forests.

In the study, 15 ancient settlements were studied in the Kalvert Islands area and Hecate in British Columbia. During the excavations, scientists found that the burial and accumulation of residues of molluscs, which were caught by the first colonists, as well as the use of fire, changed the level of acidity and important nutrients in the soil.

The new study made it possible for the first time to detect the impact of the long-term use of coastal Resources on the growth of the forest. According to experts, similar results can be obtained when studying places of archaeological excavations along the coastal lines throughout the Earth.

Human activity can improve the environment