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Experts list the main fears of novice drivers

Auto selection specialists and driving instructors named the top five fears of novice Russian drivers. He spoke about fears and advice on how to deal with them, prepared by the services of SberAvto and SberUslugi, entered the editorial office.

First of all, experts say, novice drivers are afraid to break the car. But they are advised not to worry, since only mistakes repeated over a long period of time will have a negative impact on the car. Another fear: people around will laugh at a novice who drives too slowly or lets everyone pass at intersections, and will begin to “cut” him. Rookie drivers were advised to drive within the speed limit, but not slower than the speed of traffic.

Also, it may seem to inexperienced drivers that they constantly violate traffic rules - therefore, they are in fear that they will be stopped by traffic police. Although experts note that it is novice drivers who are more responsible for complying with the rules. The fourth fear: a novice driver will not understand the traffic situation and will have an accident. However, traffic police statistics for 2021 tell a different story: drivers with less than five years of driving experience were responsible for the same number of accidents as motorists with five to ten years of driving experience.

Finally, young drivers may feel that they are more likely than others to have difficulty parking. Experts advise them to make their first trips in the company of experienced drivers and practice together on different types of parking. In this way, you will be able to identify and work out the most difficult aspects of parking without damaging your own and other cars.

Earlier it became known which 10 car models were the best-selling in Russia in 2021.

Experts list the main fears of novice drivers