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The real-life Atlantis: Town flooded 30 years ago emerges from the deep

Some 1,500 residents barely had time to grab their belongings when the spa resort of Villa Epecuen was swamped after a lagoon burst its banks in 1985.

The spa resort of Villa Epecuen was once a tourist hub that attracted holidaymakers from all over Argentina.

Then the picturesque town was swamped after a lagoon burst its banks in 1985 barely giving its 1,500 residents time to grab their belongings and flee the deluge.

Now this eerie real-life Atlantis has reappeared from under flood waters after spending 28 years submerged - and former residents can once again walk the streets.

For decades the town in eastern Argentina, which drew 20,000 visitors a year, lay hidden beneath 10 metres of water.

But now, the salty lagoon water has receded, leaving spooky silvery ruins.

Only one elderly man Pablo Novak, has returned to the town, spending his days cycling around the ruins.

He said: "I am OK here. I am just alone. I read the newspaper."

The town had 280 businesses, including lodges, guesthouses, hotels and businesses, centred around the tourist trade.

Lago Epecuen’s therapeutic powers have been famous for centuries and the lagoon had salt levels only topped by the Dead Sea.

The real-life Atlantis: Town flooded 30 years ago emerges from the deep