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'Ghostbusters' called as Italy’s last King spotted

He was forced into exile in 1946 after Italy abolished the monarchy and died in 1983, but the ghost of King Umberto II is said to linger in the Piedmont city of Asti.

There have been four reported sightings of the ghost of Italy’s last monarch since 2011 and some residents are convinced he has made a date in his calendar for the next appearance: June 13th, the day the King was forced into exile after just a few weeks on the throne.

Witnesses have described the figure in the apparitions as seemingly “elegant and educated”. Just like a King, in fact.

After the most recent sighting earlier this month, city officials called in the ghost-busting team at National Ghost Undercover, a company based in the Emilia-Romagna town of Riccione.

The most recent sightings occurred on September 4th, by a shopkeeper and his friend, and in early November, when a council worker claimed she had a conversation with him in an office at City Hall.

King Umberto II came to the throne in May 1946 after his father, King Vittorio Emanuele III, believed the only way to save the monarchy was to abdicate in favour of his son.

'Ghostbusters' called as Italy’s last King spotted