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Society News

Serious Pig: Peckham-based business develops 'first hangover-preventing meat'

Victorians threw cold water over themselves, Native Americans licked their own sweat and Ancient Egyptians would cast spells on their beer. These days, the office barfly is more likely to be seen sipping an Alka-Seltzer the day after the night before.

But with the Christmas parties soon upon us and the hangover-treatment industry now reported to be worth billions, it’s no wonder everyone from big pharma to quirky hipster start-ups are inventing new and enticing ways to cash in on the painful headaches and slumps in productivity – starting by preventing hangovers in the first place.

One of the latest miracle cures to hit the shelves in 2015 is … salami. Serious Pig, a Peckham-based craft meat business, has developed what it calls “the world’s first hangover- preventing meat treat”. According to the curers, “you eat it while you’re drinking to prevent a hangover kicking in”, and with its nausea- and fatigue-fighting properties, this can surely be no ordinary sausage.

Serious Pig: Peckham-based business develops 'first hangover-preventing meat'