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What Happens When Nokia's Most Indestructible Phone Takes on Tank Treads

The joke goes a little something like this: If you drop a Nokia 3310, you better check and make sure you didn't break the floor. Nokia's iconic dumbphone is a sturdy little bugger in all the ways our modern iPhones aren't. But how does it do when it's run over by a tank?

Tech Assassin—one of YouTube's gadget destroyers—endevored to findit out. Instead of just throwing the phone on the ground where the tank would likely just push it into the dirt, he threw it inside the tread for maximum carnage.

Unfortunately, the legendary Nokia 3310 can't quite survive. It holds its shape, but it won't be making any calls. So now we can add tanks to the 3310's growing list of weaknesses.

What Happens When Nokia's Most Indestructible Phone Takes on Tank Treads