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NASA Uses PlayStation VR To Control Robots In Space

In partnership with NASA, Sony's PlayStation VR is being used by human operators to practice controlling a humanoid helper outside Earth's atmosphere.

While NASA works with Space X to get humans on Mars, Sony's PlayStation VR is helping put robonauts into outer space.

Through the use of virtual reality hardware and software, NASA's astronauts will be able to remotely operate the robots on International Space Station. The fact that it is impossible to write software for robots in an environment with zero gravity.

The product of the partnership between NASA and Sony has resulted in the Mighty Morphenaut (which, incidentally, sounds quite familiar to the "Might Morphin' Power Rangers" where humans also control larger-than-life robots).

The Mighty Morphenaut, for now, is just a demo.Simulation recreates the conditions of working in space, including the signal delay and potential technical problems.

NASA Uses PlayStation VR To Control Robots In Space