Bbabo NET

Society News

Balaclava sporting kung-fu expert protects restaurant customers' cars - with nunchuks

Meet Master Lolo, a balaclava-wearing kung-fu expert who protects parked cars – with nunchuks, reports .

The rather unusual parking attendant ensures that diners at Lefty's restaurant in Cape Town, South Africa, can rest assured that their cars are safe from thieves.

The Congolese man patrols Harrington Street menacingly, scaring off any potential troublemakers.

Car guards are popular in many South African cities, charging drivers a fee to look over their vehicles while they are dining or shopping.

But none do it as creatively as Master Lolo, 36, who has become somewhat of a local celebrity.

Master Lolo claims to be a black belt, having trained in the Chinese martial art since he was 19.

He left Congo in 2008 and settled in South Africa, where he put his skills to good use guarding residents cars while they dine out.

Lolo admits that he hasn't actually had to fight anyone yet and mainly just moves people along, as the area is very quiet.

But he says it is because people know better than to make trouble there.

The workers at Lefty's restaurant appreciate his services so much that they make sure to give him a cut of their tips.

Balaclava sporting kung-fu expert protects restaurant customers' cars - with nunchuks