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Pocket-sized HeLi-on charger uses flexible, printed solar cells to power your phone

The Danish company infinity PV unveiled its latest development - a small pocket charger with integrated flexible solar panels titled HeLi-on, according to .

The HeLi-on uses innovative organic photovoltaic, or OPV, technology in the form of solar cells printed onto flexible plastic film that can be unraveled easily when charging and rolled away during storage. The technology is borne from 15 years of infinityPV research, free of toxic substances or costly production machinery. Whether you are charging your device directly from the sun or using power stored in the charger’s battery, you can be fully up and running again in just 2-3 hours. The charger is also compatible with any device that charges using a USB port.

Being the world’s most compact solar charger is no small feat and infinityPV is in the midst of a Kickstarter campaign to fully fund the product’s launch. Early bird prices are still available for the HeLi-on charger, starting at around $90 for the device and free international shipping. The company, located in Denmark, is at the forefront of innovative solar technology and meeting tech-savvy consumer needs.

Pocket-sized HeLi-on charger uses flexible, printed solar cells to power your phone