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Will astronauts be living on the MOON by 2030?

Scientific staff of the European Space Agency is to builta real village on the Moon, as informs.

According to scientists, at an early stage of the mission special robots will be sent to the surface of the satellite, which will open a new era in the study of outer space and push humanity towards the development of space related technologies.

Using the 3D-printer, lunar robots will build a fully functioning space colony. What materials will be used during construction and how reliable they are is not yet clear. It is also no information on how scientists will cope with the strongest cosmic radiation.

Some of the world's scientists believe that such projects will become one more step on the way to colonizing new planets, such as Mars. Representatives of ESA noted that the scientific and technological base which they now possess is enough to start the implementation of such an ambitious project.

Will astronauts be living on the MOON by 2030?