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MTV Brings 'Shannara Chronicles' To Life: New Fantasy Series Is No 'Game Of Thrones'

MTV has finally premiered its adaptation of Terry Brooks' post-apocalyptic and magical epic fantasy adventure Shannara Chronicles which is considered one of the most popular in its genre, as reports.

The series is based on Brooks' second book The Elfstones of Shannara. Events of The Shannara Chronicles take place in an alternative fantasy reality, that has somehow recovered from a nuclear war. Therefore, in the world Chronicles swords and magic are mixed with moss-covered radiobeacons.

The story follows Wil, the young half-elf, with his companions Amberle and Eretria. Their mission is to stop the invasion of demons from other dimention and find a way for the magical tree to be reborn.

The first book of Brooks series was published 1997, it has since grown to five cycles of 14 novels and has got a prequel. The plot is centered around the eponymous Elven royal family. Each cycle is a chronicle of the adventures of the next generation. The first novel series was called "The Sword of Shannara."

MTV Brings 'Shannara Chronicles' To Life: New Fantasy Series Is No 'Game Of Thrones'