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New Material Soaks Up And Stores Solar Heat, Can Release It Later On Demand

Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a material that is able to absorb heat from the environment and release it when it is needed, according to .

The new material is a transparent polymer film, which is able to absorb solar energy, and then release it in the form of heat.

The film can be applied to all types of surfaces, from glass to clothing. The technology is based on the azobenzene molecules, which can be stable in one of two different states.

When exposed to sunlight, molecules "charge", and when the temperature drops, the molecules return to its normal state, releasing heat in the process. Thus the film is able to be heated to 10 ° C above ambient temperature.

The material is highly transparent, but has barely noticeable yellowish tint. Now scientists are planning to make the film even more transparent, and increase productivity by making it heat by 20 ° C warmer than the surrounding air.

New Material Soaks Up And Stores Solar Heat, Can Release It Later On Demand