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Society News

Wasserman stood up for the body of Lenin in the Mausoleum

State Duma deputy Anatoly Wasserman said that the Mausoleum, which houses the body of the first chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Vladimir Lenin, should not be closed to the public. It is reported by URA.RU.

“Closing the mausoleum for visiting means violating the will of our ancestors and violating the will of current generations who also want to see the leader. Whoever treats him now, it must be admitted that if he had not led the country then, it would have been worse, ”Wasserman believes.

He stressed that even if all the accusations of the destruction of Russia against Lenin were true, this does not mean that now his body should be hidden from the eyes of people who consider him worthy of respect.

Wasserman added that the interest of the Mausoleum among tourists is due to the fact that Lenin "led the country in one of the most difficult periods of its existence."

Earlier, a deputy of the Moscow City Duma, a member of the federal political committee of the Yabloko party, Sergei Mitrokhin, proposed moving the body of former Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin from the mausoleum on Red Square and burying it next to relatives.

Wasserman stood up for the body of Lenin in the Mausoleum