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Zebra stripes aren't used for camouflage or mate selection, study finds

Zebra stripes are useless, as they do not help the animal disguise from predators, writes.

This information was presented by biologists from the US and Canada, thus dispelling the myth purpose of the stripes. In their study, researchers measured the distance at which predators, preying on zebras and horses themselves are able to notice the stripes on the skin. With the help of computer filters, researchers were able to specify the width and the brightness of the stripes. Then the calculations were carried out, determining the maximum distance at which the two-tone zebra skin visible.

It turned out that in daylight at a distance of 50 meters and a night at a distance of 30 meters predators cannot distinguish the stripes. If there is no moon night, the zone of visibility is reduced to 9 meters. So it makes such camouflage meaningless. On the contrary, the striped color doesn't allow zebras to hide in trees under the sun.

Zebra stripes aren't used for camouflage or mate selection, study finds