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Fly from New York to London in 11 minutes: Radical ‘Antipode’ concept plane that uses rocket boosters revealed

The engineer Charles Bombadier has unveiled another radical, much faster design for future air travel, as Daily Mail informs.

The Antipod concept jet is capable of reaching Mach 24 - 12 times faster than Concorde. Dubbed the 'Antipode', it can carry 10 people up to 12,430 miles (20,000km) in under an hour, allowing it to travel from London to New York in just 11 minutes.

Antipod would be able to take off directly from any airfield by using reusable rocket boosters. These rockets would attach to the wings of the Antipod and provide enough thrust to lift off, climb to 40,000 feet, and reach Mach 5.

The acceleration boosters would then separate from the Antipod and fly back to the airbase like Blue Origin's boosters.

At Mach 5, the aircraft's onboard computer would ignite its supersonic jet engine and accelerate up to Mach 24.

The Antipod could be used as business or military aircraft.

Fly from New York to London in 11 minutes: Radical ‘Antipode’ concept plane that uses rocket boosters revealed