Bbabo NET

Society News

Five BAD jokes from George & Lial on 23rd June 2021

First bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Finger joke

Whats two a tent finger hut

Second bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Fat joke

Yo mama so fat! when she jumps into a pool, NASA found water on Mars!!!

Third bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Orphan joke

I would tell jokes about Kobe but they would just crash and burn

Fourth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Street joke

Why go across the street when you can just go down the hall lol

Fifth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Orphan joke

Why can’t orphans fuck there mom because they don’t have one

Five BAD jokes from George & Lial on 23rd June 2021