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Vaping Suppresses The Immune System

A study by the University of North Carolina suggests that E-cigarets cause harm by suppressing users’ immune systems, as Iflscience informs.

This new researchwas presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in Washington, D.C. this week.

The team of researchers looked at tissue samples from within the nasal cavity of smokers, non-smokers, and e-cigarette users (“vapers”). They were specifically assessing the health of the cavity’s epithelial cells, a common tissue type found all over the body. Within these cells, over 600 genes involved in the immune system were analyzed. Nasal fluid, urine, and blood samples were also taken from the participants.

Although the team found that smoking tobacco cigarettes suppressed key immune system-related genes, they also observed that vaping has the same effect. The fact that vaping also appears to suppress hundreds of additional immune genes means that, in this sense, vaping could be worse than smoking.

Vaping Suppresses The Immune System