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This automated store in Sweden doesn’t have any human employees — only a smartphone app

Swedish IT specialist Robert Ilijason owns a convenience store in the town of Viken, Sweden, where you won’t find a single cashier – or even a cash register. As Digital Trends informs the entire store is unmanned, and patrons must use a smartphone or tablet to enter and purchase goods from it.

Customers are required to register for the service and download a smartphone app, which they can then use to unlock the door and scan items they wish to buy. At the end of each month, the app sends out an invoice to charge users for their purchases.

Ilijason hopes that this kind of staff-free grocery store will help bring small local grocery stores back to Sweden’s small villages. “My ambition is to spread this idea to other villages and small towns,” Ilijason told AP. “It is incredible that no one has thought of his before.”

Of course, running the store does require a little bit of human involvement. When inventory starts getting low, Ilijason has to go in and manually restock everything — but after that he lets his patrons and their smartphones take over. The store’s unique app-enabled operation means that he doesn’t really need to worry about anything else — including security.

This automated store in Sweden doesn’t have any human employees — only a smartphone app