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Society News

Dreaming about Meringue

You are eating meringues. By nature, you are a spender and a bastard. You need to think about your attitude to money and spending, otherwise such frivolity will lead to big problems.

You are treating someone to cakes. This dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. Perhaps now you are thriving and burning with the desire to bestow the whole world. Or maybe you have been oppressed by a feeling of envy for other people who have achieved more than you for a long time. If your envy is not an incentive for new achievements, then your attitude to the success of other people should be reconsidered.

You buy meringues for a party. It is possible that you have been guilty before relatives, friends or colleagues, and only pride does not allow you to apologize. Take the first step towards reconciliation. After all, the ability to admit your mistake is the lot of really big and strong people.

You throw away spoiled meringues. This dream foreshadows a truce after a long quarrel. But it can also mean that soon someone will fail in an important matter.

Dreaming about Meringue