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Bioluminescent Bacteria Could Light Up The Streets Of Paris

Glowee, a Parisian start-up, plans to use bacteria found in squid to illuminate shop fronts, public spaces, and installations, with the hope of lighting up whole streets with these microbial lamps.

According to Iflscience, the lights consist of transparent cases filled with a gel containing the bioluminescent bacteria, alongside the sugars and oxygen they need to survive. The bacterium is both non-pathogenic and non-toxic.

There are obvious environmental benefits to using the bio-lights. Although the company has no intention of replacing all electric lighting with bioluminescence, it is a promising idea, with no need for electricity consumption and with considerably less carbon dioxide emissions than conventional means. On their website, the company says that "all the energy generated is used in the light production process. It is also less intense, allowing to limit the effect of light pollution.”

Bioluminescent Bacteria Could Light Up The Streets Of Paris