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Scientists says they've figured out the best way to find intelligent extraterrestrial life

German scientists René Heller and Ralph Pudritz proposed a new method for the detection of intelligent life forms in the universe. According to Science Alert, researchers suggest to significantly narrow down the search area of potentially habitable planets.

Currently, one of the search methods of celestial bodies, where life can exist is the so-called transit method. It lies in the fact that astronomers observe the weakening of the brightness of stars when the planet passes between the observer from the Earth and the star. Such technique is called "transit". It is thus possible to determine a weight of a planet and many of its properties.

Authors of scientific work offered to concentrate efforts on finding a signal from extraterrestrial civilizations directly on the transit zone. It is a narrow region of the sky where the transit of the planet on the background of the solar disk can be found by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. Perhaps they may also be looking for us as we are looking for them. Scientists estimate that in the transit zone may be about 100 thousand of potential targets, the signal from which can be detected with modern methods.

Scientists says they've figured out the best way to find intelligent extraterrestrial life