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Dreaming about ASTRONOMY

Everything seen in a dream, in one way or another connected with astronomy, means the implementation of far-reaching plans. Observing an astronomer at work is to take a new undertaking under vigilant control. If the place of influence of events occurring in a dream is an observatory, then this portends a rapid advance to a high position.

Observing the starry skies in the night sky with a telescope promises extremely exciting journeys, which, however, will entail economic difficulties. If in a dream you look at understandable shining stars, this promises you good health and prosperity. If the stars are pale and the sky is foggy, this is a sign of future troubles and misfortunes. A flashing or shooting star is a harbinger of sadness and sadness, unexpected trials will guard you.

Seeing a full moon in a dream portends success in love and victory in entrepreneurial endeavors. Watching a lunar eclipse - you or your loved ones will be struck by a flu epidemic, an eclipse of the sun - just short-term setbacks in business. To dream of Mars - a hill will fall on you, the cause of which will be you yourself, as a result of this, friends will not rush to support you, and enemies will rightly gloat.

Dreaming about ASTRONOMY