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Russia - Scientists have invented a sorbent that cleans water from heavy metals

Russia (, - Scientists from the South Ural State University have created a material capable of not only cleaning water bodies from industrial pollution, but also blocking their return to the natural environment. The work of the sorbent has already been tested on industrial effluents, as well as soils with man-made pollution. The publication in the journal Nanomaterials (Q1) is devoted to the development of scientists, the press service of the university reported.

Environmentally friendly natural materials became raw materials for the new sorbent. Having studied the physicochemical properties of their components, scientists have established the optimal chemical composition, strength characteristics and the number of active nanocenters capable of exchanging cations and anions of the crystal lattice for heavy metals dissolved in water or contained in the soil. Having built a theoretical model, the scientists synthesized prototype blocking materials.

- Their fundamental difference is in the effect of self-regulation and decarbonization, - explains Tatyana Lonzinger, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Physical Chemistry of Materials. - After the absorption of pollutant ions, the process of formation of a protective surface layer with the participation of carbon dioxide begins. It can again develop the simplest forms of vegetation.

The results of the experiment are impressive: the degree of removal of cerium cations (radionuclide simulators) from a highly concentrated solution reaches 100 percent after eight days of contact with the blocking material. Copper is removed completely, nickel - by 90.3 percent, zinc - by 96.31 percent. Iron is removed in just four days.

In samples taken from real industrial effluents, the concentration of nickel was reduced by 7.5 times over the week, arsenic - by 62 times, cadmium - by 30, copper - by 125, iron - by 247, manganese - by 590, and zinc - 674 times.

In addition, the blocker leads to the cessation of the transition of heavy metals from soil to water. After two weeks, the water is almost completely cleared. And after three months, the simplest life forms appear on the dead ground, the process of restoring the natural environment begins, - said Lonzinger.

Now the results of the research are to be tested in practice. Pollution of water bodies with heavy metals is an acute problem that exists in all industrial regions, including the Chelyabinsk region. This year, new cleaning technologies will be tested for the first time at UMMC enterprises, the university noted.

Russia - Scientists have invented a sorbent that cleans water from heavy metals