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Inequality greater than most Swiss think: unions

The disparity between Switzerland’s richest residents and the rest of the population is much greater than most people living in the country believe, according to a survey conducted for the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions (SGB) and the Unia union and released on Monday.

The nation believes that the richest 20 percent of the population own 57 percent of the assets, while the poorest 60 percent have to make do with 23 percent, according the results of the representative poll.

But the reality is much more harsh. Data from the federal tax administration shows that the richest fifth of the country own 86 percent of the assets, the union group said. The poorest 60 percent of the population, meanwhile, own just four percent of the assets. One fifth of the population has trouble making ends meet at the end of the month while others live in abundance.

Inequality greater than most Swiss think: unions