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This robot has real muscles that let it 'walk' towards the light

Recently, researchers from the University of Illinois have demonstrated a bio-robot, which was built from 3D-printed parts of the hydrogel and the spinal muscles, which allow the robot to move, Popular Science informs.

Previous versions of the bio-bot, built of heart muscle tissue, also could move, however, they were not controlled because the heart muscle contracts permanently, regardless of the applied electric pulse. Through the use of biological tissues, the robot acquires the ability to work in a fluid with nutrients, eliminating the need for batteries. Ultimately, the scientists plan to use neurons as a source of bio-bots supply.

These features extend the range of potential applications. Such robots could work inside the body for medical purposes, or be used outdoors for environmental services. However, the first prototype of a bio-bot has a fairly simple design, with flexible 3D-printed spine made of hydrogel and contracting muscles.

This robot has real muscles that let it 'walk' towards the light