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Twelve BAD jokes from George & Lial on 19th November 2021

First bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Personal joke

Whats a knifes favorite person?

The victim.

Second bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Die joke

What do u call a pedophile who’s dying? you.

Third bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Hell joke

How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it.

Fourth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Hole joke

Well, the “HOLE” story is, I shoved it up her hole.

Fifth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Food joke

There was a dog in the middle of the room so i called it and started to play fetch, then my mother shouted at me for playing with my food. I missed it but it was tasty

Sixth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Man joke

Why did the blind man fall down the well? He couldn’t see that well!

Seventh bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Worst jokes ever joke


Eighth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Skeleton joke

Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road? He didn’t have the guts.

Ninth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Man joke

When I was watching my daughter at the park earlier, another parent asked a man, “Which one is yours?” and he replied, “I´m still choosing.” She looked horrified.

Tenth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Green joke

What is 14 inches long and starts with D

A Dookie From GREEN DAY

Eleventh bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Anti joke

What itches a lot Syphilis

Twelfth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Puns joke

Why did the strawberry cry? – Because his mother was in a jam.

Twelve BAD jokes from George & Lial on 19th November 2021