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Russia - Lvova-Belova: In the Russian Federation there is an acute shortage of specialists for the social adaptation of children

Russia ( - There is a catastrophic shortage of specialists in the country to educate children with complex developmental defects, many professionals go into the commercial sphere, and university graduates do not have enough practice, said Maria Lvova-Belova, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of Russia.

As she noted, such a crisis with personnel does not allow for the social adaptation of children. "The situation with specialists is difficult, in the regions it is difficult," said Maria Lvova-Belova during the round table "Actual problems of education of children and adults with severe multiple developmental disorders."

As the children's ombudsman noted, personnel issues require careful study, and it is necessary to start with universities, where there are few children's tutors who lack neither practical skills nor desire.

"We offered to conduct an internship in my project - the New Shore art estate in the Penza region, so that students would understand what it is - the social adaptation of children with disabilities. - shared Maria Lvova-Belova. - It was surprising that some of the students at the end of the internship, they said that this work is not suitable for them. But this is also the result - practical trips. Practice with children with disabilities, it is necessary and needs to be promoted."

Also, Maria Lvova-Belova said that following the results of the congress of regional commissioners for children's rights, which was held in Kazan, she proposed to regulate the weekly load on this teaching staff, develop a job description for an assistant assistant and include this position in a single verification directory. In addition, it is proposed to include the position of a tutor in the list of teaching staff who are entitled to a preferential pedagogical pension.

Russia - Lvova-Belova: In the Russian Federation there is an acute shortage of specialists for the social adaptation of children