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Russia - Rospotrebnadzor gave recommendations on how much to drink in winter

Russia ( - It would seem that the question of the correct drinking regime is more relevant in the summer, during the heat, and also during active physical exertion. But dehydration can also occur in the cold season - it is provoked by central heating, heaters, dry indoor air. In Rospotrebnadzor, as part of the Healthy Eating program, they have prepared several tips on proper drinking regimen.

“In cold weather, the body loses water as much as in warm weather through breathing, sweating and urination. Steam from the mouth in the cold is a clear sign of water loss. The combination of warm, heavy clothing and high-intensity exercise contributes to increased sweating,” the experts explained. departments.

The report notes that people who do not drink enough water are more likely to suffer from chronic kidney disease (stone formation, urinary tract infections), high blood pressure and other disorders of the cardiovascular system. In addition, water helps the digestive system process food better, which is vital during the winter months when many tend to overeat.

What indicates a lack of moisture in the body?

Signs of a lack of water in the body - dry skin, chapped lips, fatigue, dizziness, dryness of the nasal mucosa.

Moisturizing the mucosal barriers protects us from viruses, while dry mucosa reduces the level of protection.

How much to drink?

Don't rely on thirst. Try to drink water regularly throughout the day, Rospotrebnadzor advises. You can, for example, set a reminder on your phone.

Men are recommended to receive up to 10 glasses of liquid per day, including water, tea, soup, women - about 8 glasses. At the same time, active people involved in sports or hard physical labor have even more fluid needs.

It should be taken into account that the body receives water from juicy fruits and vegetables.

Russia - Rospotrebnadzor gave recommendations on how much to drink in winter