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Sochi turned out to be the city with the most ardent criminals

Analysts of the provider of integrated security services Delta Security Systems identified the city with the highest number of crimes due to jealousy - it turned out to be Sochi, RIA Novosti reports.

“The data calculated from 2019 to 2021 revealed that about 5% of all incidents are somehow related to love relationships. Thus, 80% of cases in this category are associated with separation and / or divorce, 15% with attempts to reconcile after a quarrel, the remaining 5% are specific situations without identified logic, ”the experts explained the general logic.

Sochi was in first place (20% of the total number of crimes), along with Krasnodar (17%) and the northern capital, St. Petersburg (13%).

“Interestingly, in Sochi and Krasnodar, hacking attempts are more likely to occur when the object of desire is inside. And, for example, romantic Petersburgers break into apartments during the absence of the owners, in order to arrange a surprise. Conflicts motivated by jealousy in public places are also leading in St. Petersburg,” the experts explained.

Earlier in the Irkutsk region, two children died in a fire.

According to investigators, the man, being in a state of alcoholic intoxication, out of jealousy, doused his partner and young children with a flammable liquid.

Sochi turned out to be the city with the most ardent criminals