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British woman explains why she didn't shampoo her hair for two years

Briton Enya Brennan has not washed her hair with shampoo for two years, and her hair has stopped getting dirty. This is reported by The Sun.

An administrator from North London gradually stopped using products for washing her hair. At first, the girl was too lazy to wash her hair regularly, and then she decided to “teach” her hair to stay clean without shampoo.

According to Brennan, she started by washing her hair less. “When I got to two weeks, my hair got greasy for a day or two, and I just used dry shampoo,” she says. The turning point was the milestone of three months. After that, according to her, the hair stopped getting greasy at all.

“Before that, there were moments when I had dandruff, but I just washed it off with water. Now I don’t have any scalp irritation, although when I washed my hair with shampoo, dandruff constantly appeared, ”says Enya Brennan.

Now the girl rinses her hair with water twice a week, sometimes more often because of sports. Hairdressers believe that the condition of Brennan's hair is good.

“I go to different salons and hair stylists always say that my hair is shiny and healthy. They never cut off much because I don't have split ends," she says.

Earlier, she reported that the Russians are buying up personal care products.

British woman explains why she didn't shampoo her hair for two years