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Between dream and reality. How scammers affect the minds of Russians

All the money and jewelry were taken out of the apartment of a resident of the Moscow region, while she, by her own assumption, was in a state of hypnosis. And this is not an isolated case. Often, people who have been victims of scammers complain that they were “hypnotized,” and sometimes they don’t even remember how the meeting with the attackers took place. Psychologists have explained why such hypnosis is just a skillful manipulation of the "type of the victim."

“Opened the door. I don’t remember anything else”

About 15 years ago, ten-year-old Anna Gavrilina (name and surname changed at the request of the interlocutor) was left at home alone in a small town near Moscow. Parents were at work, grandmother went to the store. They called the apartment. Anya decided that her grandmother had returned, and opened it. Unknown people stood on the threshold, introduced themselves as some merchants and representatives of the company. What happened next - the girl does not remember even years later.

“My grandmother found me - I just sat and cried. I did not understand what was happening around, for a long time I did not react in any way to her words and attempts to find out what had happened. I was just really scared, but I didn't even know why. Grandmother called her father, ”recalls Anna.

When the father arrived, the girl was shaken up, and it soon became clear that all the money and precious things had disappeared from the apartment. Anna did not even know how much time had passed from the moment the uninvited guests arrived until the return of her relatives.

Until now, she and the entire Gavrilin family are sure that the child was immersed in hypnosis.

According to psychologist Yana Valova, this could really happen. Using hypnosis, a fraudster can affect the mind of a person, especially with a fragile psyche. In the case of a ten-year-old girl, hypnosis might not have been required at all.

“If a child is vulnerable, with a creative nature, then he can be suggestible without hypnosis. Therefore, when strangers invaded, the girl most likely experienced severe stress, which could close her memory. And she really forgot what happened after the door opened, ”the psychologist explained.

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How attackers influence the minds of victims

When people who have been scammed complain that they were hypnotized and they don’t remember anything at all, this does not mean that they are lying, psychologist Tatyana Vorgul confirmed.

“Divorce workers have an arsenal of tools. Brigades of "specialists" of a sufficiently high professional level masterfully master the methods of oppression of consciousness - hypnosis. Most often, they use such a practice as NLP, ”explained Vorgul.

Neuro-linguistic programming is a branch of practical psychology that studies communication problems and is usually used for self-development, personnel management, increasing sales and mastering the art of manipulation, the psychologist said. And despite the fact that the scientific world criticizes NLP, this practice is still used by recognized masters of psychology and scammers.

Knowing the principles of NLP, you can learn manipulative techniques very simply, Tatyana Vorgul believes. And there are a lot of these techniques.

“One of the techniques is often used even in communication. It's about the three yes's. The person is asked questions that are supposed to be answered in the affirmative. After three “yes” said, the fourth will be received automatically by the questioner,” she said.

According to psychologist Marina Gladysheva, hypnotic influence is possible only in case of personal contact with the victim. And here there are two options: either a person is affected, or not. The impact itself occurs by establishing a trusting contact, so that a person opens up, believes. Often this takes some time - establishing contact with the victim can take more than one day.

It is possible to recognize scammers using the impact on consciousness by certain signs, psychologist Valovaya noted. Usually they look long and hard into the eyes, they can display emotions, make suspicious gestures with their hands, touch you, violating your boundaries.

“In order to warn yourself against the influence of hypnosis, it is worth remembering some signs of influence.

A person under hypnosis is between sleep and reality. He is in a state of drowsiness, fatigue and unreality of what is happening. At the first stages, this impact can be stopped by stopping communicating with a suspicious person, moving away from him, switching to communicating with someone else, ”advised Valovaya.

You should always pay attention to the speed of speech of those with whom you communicate, Tatyana Vorgul recommended. As a rule, scammers use a well-established text “without blots”, which a person pronounces quickly enough. Such an effect is necessary so that the “victim of fraud” does not have time to come to his senses and come to his senses. In addition, you need to follow the phrases that a person says: usually scammers use repetitive wording.Frequent reference by name can also be a common factor of influence (impact). The name is exactly what a person hears most often in his life, so associations arise in the subconscious that “provoke” the formation of quick trust, the psychologist pointed out.

“The very technique of hypnosis involves adjusting to the victim: movements, postures, facial expressions, the rhythm of breathing. In a person, this inspires confidence at an unconscious level, and then he becomes more susceptible to the influence of words and intentions. It is very difficult to reproduce this method with a stranger. Moreover, this is possible only if a person is “predisposed” to the influence of hypnosis in principle,” said Marina Gladysheva.

Type of the victim

According to Valovaya, if we talk about an adult, the scammer chooses his "target" according to the types.

Those who can be influenced by hypnosis usually have quite a characteristic feature - this is the so-called "victim" type. Such people are fragile, vulnerable, puzzled by problems, and they are easy to identify.

“We are talking about psychological sacrifices. Their characteristic habit: to complain about life, the environment and anything. They feel that everyone around is to blame, they are infringed, used. It is this scenario of behavior that attracts events and personalities that, like a hook, catch people-victims, ”the expert said.

Such people see the whole world through the prism of "victim". For such people, for the most part, it is almost impossible to admit that they were "led" to deceit without hypnosis and other influences. That is why, the psychologist said, in order to warn yourself against the effects of hypnosis, it is worth asking yourself an honest question about whether you are a “victim” and strengthening an adult position in yourself, where you take responsibility for yourself and your life.

"Working with victims of fraud, I can say that only after a few sessions of therapy, the victim may realize that there was no hypnosis. There were manipulations, but a fraudster can only manipulate the type of “victim,” the expert said.

In her opinion, many watch and read such stories, not understanding how the girls could get into such a story: take loans for millions and further down the list. But only those who came out of the "victim" scenario, those who were on the other side, can understand them.

The victim should not blame himself for what happened and figure out whether there was hypnosis, drugs or other manipulations, Yana Valova advised. It is important for those who fell for the bait of scammers to understand only that it was the scenario of the “victim” that brought her into this situation.

Between dream and reality. How scammers affect the minds of Russians