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The police thanked the goat for helping to catch the suspect

Police in the United States have expressed gratitude to the goat who helped them detain a suspected man, according to Fox News.

According to media reports, Deputy Sheriff David Parnella and his partner Scott Barker arrived to detain a man who was accused of domestic violence. The suspect, hearing that he needed to go with the officers to the police station, went on the run.

As the police said, they began to pursue the man when they were suddenly joined by a goat from a neighboring house. The animal chased the suspect even when he fled into the woods, forcing him to run back to the police.

“Sometimes help comes in all shapes and sizes,” the police joked.

Barker added that after the man was taken into custody, the goat was returned to the owner, declaring gratitude to the animal.

Earlier in Japan, a cat became the head of the police department for one day.

The police thanked the goat for helping to catch the suspect